
Infertility Treatment in Ahmedabad
April 28, 2023

Endometriosis and Quality of Eggs

Every woman deserves the chance to start a family on her terms, but this dream can become a painful and difficult journey for those with endometriosis. Endometriosis is a chronic and often frustrating condition affecting millions of women worldwide. While this disease’s physical and emotional tolls are well-known, its impact on fertility is often overlooked.

Recent studies have shown that endometriosis can significantly impact the quality of a woman’s eggs, making it harder to get pregnant naturally. In this blog entry, we’ll explore the relationship between endometriosis and the quality of eggs, investigating the most recent examination and offering pragmatic exhortation for those struggling with this challenging condition.

How Quality of Eggs Important for Getting Pregnant?

The quality of eggs is crucial in determining a woman’s pregnancy odds. Egg quality means the eggs’ ability to fertilize, implant, and develop into a healthy fetus. High-quality eggs are more likely to result in a successful pregnancy, while poor-quality eggs can make it difficult to conceive or increase the risk of miscarriage.

The caliber of eggs produced by aging women declines naturally, which is one of the main reasons women over 35 may have more trouble getting pregnant. However, poor egg quality can also be caused by various other factors, such as gynecological conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, environmental toxins, and genetic abnormalities.

When an egg emerges from the ovary?

During ovulation, it must be able to survive and be fertilized by sperm. If the egg has poor quality, it may fail to endure long enough for fertilization, reducing the chances of getting pregnant. Even if fertilization does occur, poor egg quality can also lead to problems with embryo development, making it less likely for the embryo to implant in the uterus.

Poor egg quality can also escalate the risk of miscarriage. When fertilized, the egg must divide and develop into a healthy embryo. If the egg has poor quality, it may not divide correctly, leading to chromosomal abnormalities that can cause miscarriage.

How does endometriosis affect the quality of eggs?

Endometriosis can negatively affect the quality of eggs in several ways. Firstly, endometriosis can cause aggravation in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. This inflammation can damage the eggs and reduce their quality. At the point when the eggs are damaged, they will be not able to grow appropriately, making it harder to imagine.

Secondly, endometriosis can cause the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the reproductive system. ROS can cause oxidative stress, damaging the eggs and reducing their quality. When presented to oxidative pressure, eggs may develop chromosomal abnormalities that can cause barrenness or premature delivery.

Thirdly, endometriosis can lead to the formation of ovarian cysts, which can also affect likewise influence quality. Ovarian cysts can interfere with the production and maturation of eggs, prompting low-quality eggs.

Lastly, endometriosis can cause scarring or adhesions in the reproductive system. These adhesions can hinder the ovaries’ function, producing poor egg quality and quantity. So, don’t hesitate to meet the best fertility specialist in Ahmedabad.

What can be done to preserve my egg quality if I have endometriosis?

If you are worried about having endometriosis, safeguarding the nature of your eggs, there are many steps you can take:

Treat Endometriosis:

On the off chance that you have gentle to direct endometriosis, it very well may be treated with drugs and minimally invasive laparoscopy. However, if you have severe endometriosis, LAPEX Laparoscopic Excision Surgery will be recommended to remove the endometriosis tissues affecting your ovaries and fallopian tube. Meet Dr. Sandip Sonara, Gujarat’s best endometriosis doctor, for your endometriosis treatment.

Fertility Treatments:

Your doctor could suggest in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) assuming that you are endeavoring to get pregnant. These treatments can help overcome the effects of endometriosis on egg quality.

Egg Freezing

Consider egg freezing if you want to keep your fertility intact but are not ready to get pregnant. This involves retrieving and freezing your eggs for later use. By freezing your eggs, you can preserve their quality and increase your chances of conceiving them.

Hormone Therapy:

Hormone therapy, such as oral contraceptives, can help reduce the growth and spread of endometriosis, which can help preserve ovarian function and improve egg quality.

Lifestyle Changes:

The quality of eggs can be improved with several lifestyle adjustments. Eat a balanced diet, exercise frequently, get adequate sleep, abstain from smoking, and limit alcohol intake.

Don’t, Worry! We are here to come up with the best solutions to your problems. To know more, reach us right away and book your arrangement with the best endometriosis specialist in Ahmedabad.

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